We design high impact original websites oriented to gain more sales, calls, and clients.
It excites us to see sites that help their company grow and better their communication with their clients.
We design websites that Increase your Sales.
Our designs generate a visual of high impact, facilitate user experience finding content quickly, while also complying with Google guidelines for an extremely fast charge.
Why contract Cosmicweb to design your website?
We are a Digital Marketing Agency consisting of designers, programmers, experts in user experience, content generators, and editors. These are just some of our areas that work together so your website stands out from its competitors.
We have more than 15 years of experience creating websites that go on to rank in search engines. Our added value is the experience and effectiveness of the position of your website to receive visits.
The service cost for web design is calculated according to the design hours and the amount of contents.
If you would like to obtain a quote for your web design, don’t hesitate to send us your info in the following form and we will contact you shortly:
Steps to complete your design and publish the final site
Here are the steps to complete:
- Coordinate a virtual meeting with the client.
- Advising to help find the best solution for your website.
- Give an estimate according to our references, number of sections, and complexity of the design and programming.
- Send proposal via email with details over the costs.
- Once proposal is approved, we will diagram a scheme of goals or objectives for development.
- An payment in advance of 50% is sent as a form of guarantee.
- We will request all necessary information to create a mockup: content written for the sections, images, products or services, logotype, contact info. If necessary we can develop content to adapt to needs
- We will send a sketch of the site.
- Once approved, we can proceed programming the website
- As each mock-up is completed for the interior sections, we will proceed to complete the layout of the entire website.
- We will send out the complete website for you to revise.
- Once approved, and final payment is made, the website is published to be viewed and indexed by search engines.
The advantage of hiring Cosmicweb Marketing is that we are specialized in digital marketing.
With campaigns in Google Ads, Google Shopping, or organic positioning (SEO), you can start selling to potential clients in a short amount of time.
We have experience in the following industries:
- Products Sales
- Technology
- Professional Services
- Machine and Product Rentals
- Audiovisual Productions
- Legal Advocacy
- Construction and Architecture
- Real Estate
- Health
- And many more
Responsive Design - Mobile Friendly
Our websites are designed to be adaptable to any device or screen, offering the best user experience (UX).
- Cell Phones
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Monitors

Desktop Designs - Virtual Stores
Producing effective and clear communication, as well as positive impact with professional and original designs.
- E-commerce
- Creative Design
- Portfolios
We design websites that adapt to any device and screen.
We achieve an effective and clear communication, at the same time that we make a positive impact with original professional designs.
Here are some of our completed works presented:

Our designs generate a visual of high impact, facilitate user experience finding content quickly, while also complying with Google guidelines for an extremely fast charge.
We are a Digital Marketing Agency consisting of designers, programmers, experts in user experience, content generators, and editors. These are just some of our areas that work together so your website stands out from its competitors.
We have more than 15 years of experience creating websites that go on to rank in search engines. Our added value is the experience and effectiveness of the position of your website to receive visits.
The service cost for web design is calculated according to the design hours and the amount of contents.
If you would like to obtain a quote for your web design, don’t hesitate to send us your info in the following form and we will contact you shortly:
Here are the steps to complete:
- Coordinate a virtual meeting with the client.
- Advising to help find the best solution for your website.
- Give an estimate according to our references, number of sections, and complexity of the design and programming.
- Send proposal via email with details over the costs.
- Once proposal is approved, we will diagram a scheme of goals or objectives for development.
- An payment in advance of 50% is sent as a form of guarantee.
- We will request all necessary information to create a mockup: content written for the sections, images, products or services, logotype, contact info. If necessary we can develop content to adapt to needs
- We will send a sketch of the site.
- Once approved, we can proceed programming the website
- As each mock-up is completed for the interior sections, we will proceed to complete the layout of the entire website.
- We will send out the complete website for you to revise.
- Once approved, and final payment is made, the website is published to be viewed and indexed by search engines.
The advantage of hiring Cosmicweb Marketing is that we are specialized in digital marketing.
With campaigns in Google Ads, Google Shopping, or organic positioning (SEO), you can start selling to potential clients in a short amount of time.
We have experience in the following industries:
- Products Sales
- Technology
- Professional Services
- Machine and Product Rentals
- Audiovisual Productions
- Legal Advocacy
- Construction and Architecture
- Real Estate
- Health
- And many more
Responsive Design - Mobile Friendly

Our websites are designed to be adaptable to any device or screen, offering the best user experience (UX).
- Cell Phones
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Monitors
Desktop Designs - Virtual Stores

Producing effective and clear communication, as well as positive impact with professional and original designs.
- E-commerce
- Creative Design
- Portfolios
We design websites that adapt to any device and screen.
We achieve an effective and clear communication, at the same time that we make a positive impact with original professional designs.
Here are some of our completed works presented:
El posicionamiento SEO es la mejor opción para consolidarse en los buscadores y en el rubro de tu negocio. Su potencial es ampliamente superior a los anuncios o Ads pagos por click.
¿Por qué es recomendable realizar SEO en un sitio web?
Principalmente porque la cantidad de visitas que se pueden lograr son muy superiores a las alcanzadas por anuncios o campañas de google adwords o google ads.
El SEO no requiere de un presupuesto diario, no está limitado por cuánto dinero o por pujas de subastas.
El posicionamiento orgánico busca mejorar el ranking de aparición en la búsqueda de resultados sin anuncios.
Estrategicamente se eligen palabras claves para posicionar y de acuerdo a un plan de trabajo constante, mes a mes, se logra superar a la competencia y aparecer en primeros puestos.
Con nuestra experiencia y cientos de casos de éxito te garantizamos un aumento de visitas de calidad progresivo, llegando a resultados notables a partir del 4º a 6º mes dependiendo de la competencia.
¿A quién está dirigido el Posicionamiento Orgánico?
- Empresas pymes que venden productos o brindan servicios locales o a distancia.
- Empresas grandes que requieren mayor presencia institucional y comunicacional.
- Profesionales, autónomos, freelancers de cualquier rubro.
- Hoteles y turismo: Contamos con clientes posicionados de forma orgánica que reciben huéspedes de forma directa sin pagar comisiones a portales de hoteles.
- Servicio técnico y reparaciones: posicionamos en primeras posiciones a empresas como Decalderas o Impermeabilizando, logrando que lideren su nicho de negocio.
- Institutos, academias: posicionamos a escuelas, institutos de ingles, academias de manejo. Varios clientes de estos rubros ya confiaron en nosotros.
- Estudios jurídicos, abogados, gestores: nuestro cliente Estudiorek lidera su rubro gracias al trabajo de posicionamiento orgánico realizado.
¿Cuáles son los requisitos para comenzar a Posicionarse con SEO?
- Diseñar un sitio web: nosotros brindamos un servicio integral de diseño y programación orientado al SEO. De esta forma ahorramos tiempo y aseguramos resultados exitosos. Preferentemente trabajamos con plataforma WordPress
- Conocer tu público: qué términos de búsqueda son los utilizados por tus clientes y cuál es el contenido que mejor convierte esa visita en cliente.
- Crear una marca con logo: recomendamos tomarse el trabajo de diseñar una identidad para que tu empresa o sitio web sea reconocido y tenga luego búsquedas por marca.
- Presupuesto para invertir en nuestro servicio: además muchas veces recomendamos invertir en Google ads o marketing en redes sociales temporalmente cuando un proyecto es nuevo y aún no tiene un historial en google.
La tarea de convencer al visitante de quedarse leyendo el contenido o mirando un video tiene que ver con la calidad y la forma en la que se crean los textos, artículos y material visual.
La calidad estará dada por el tiempo que nos tomamos en pensar a nuestro público y empatizar con él cubriendo sus necesidades.
No hay forma de fallar en la estrategia de contenidos cuando existe una investigación y expertiz en optimización seo.
Cuando un cliente llega por lo general nos dice: “quiero aparecer primero con SEO EN CAPITAL FEDERAL” (modestia aparte nosotros lo logramos con nuestra web). Sin embargo, nuestra propuesta es ir más allá y es por ello que investigamos con herramientas profesionales seo nuevas familias de palabras claves mes a mes.
Podemos enumerar decenas de casos en los que logramos multiplicar las palabras claves posicionadas para clientes.
Uno de los aspectos que cuestan más trabajo son los referidos a la arquitectura del sitio.
Es a través del árbol del sitio que vamos generando una red de enlazados(interlinking) para facilitar la navegación y que el visitante encuentre rápidamente lo que está buscando.
Generamos el registro para que tu negocio o empresa aparezca en Google Maps, un método 100% efectivo, orgánico y seguro para aparecer primero en tu SEO Local.