Our mission is that your business transforms into a success case. We have achieved a high effectiveness grade in our digital marketing campaigns and we want to share with you our results and reviews from some of our clients from different countries like USA, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, and more.
Led Nation is a company based in Miami, Florida, dedicated to the manufacturing of giant led screens.
We have been working with them since the birth of their company, designing the brand identity, the logotype, the online store, and the digital marketing campaigns and SEO positioning.
In only three months, Led Nation reached a volume of sales that ranked them a TOP SELLER in led screens in Miami, Florida.
Presenting JJ, CEO of Led Nation company, recommending our Digital Marketing services.

Increase in daily inquiries, reaching more than 20 leads per day.

Rise of 650% in total visits in 3 months of work.

Company branding with ads in Shopping and Display
DJI is the biggest drone manufacturer in the world.
With SEO positioning, we were able to position complex key words like:
“buy drones”
“buy mavic pro”
“mavic mini”
“mavic air”
and dozens of keywords relevant to the client.
With this format we quadrupled organic visits in only 6 months. We also created campaigns in GOOGLE ADS, GOOGLE
SHOPPING and developed the coompany’s e-commerce from the beginnin.

Conversion generation strategy with a notable increase in monthly sales

Organic Positioning with first positions for the most important keywords.

Designing and development of online store, structured to generate more sales and respond to the intention of the buying user.
We managed to position organically in dozens of keywords with high competition: “autoescuela”, “driving classes”, “theoretical driving course”, and many others. Within the span of a year, the website accomplished 10 times the organic visits, reaching peaks of 30 thousand visits monthly.

Notable growth in number of calls and contacts from the website, social media, and WhatsApp.

Organically placing in 1st position with more than 30 keywords relating to for driving course sales

Local SEO positioning of the company’s four franchises, with more than 30k monthly visits.
Working with production companies is always a challenge. Competition is high and to achieve conversions a creative and attractive communication for the potential client is necessary.
We take care of designing the website and prepare an SEO plan with extremely high-quality content. Copywriting with technical and communicative curation, together with a perfect SEO architecture, made possible an exponential growth in visits and sales.

Exclusive Design and Programming of website.

500% increase in monthly inquiries from potential clients.

450% growth in organic visits in 10 months of work.
Cosmicweb developed the logo, institutional image, website and digital marketing strategy and monthly SEO positioning. In less than 10 months, we were able to consolidate the company in the first organic search results for the most important keywords.
These results allowed the company to gradually reduce the investment budget for paid ads, saving up to 70% compared to the initial investment.
Currently we multiplied organic visits and inquiries from potential clients for the management service offered by the client. The client Roy Kritzer, CEO of, highlights the work we do, mentioning the success of the monthly investment in SEO and his desire to continue working with us.

Organic Positioning (SEO), to lead search results for
“habilitation management”
and similar keywords.

Multiplication of monthly visits, reaching a 350% growth in only 6 months

Design and programming from website.
We have positioned De Calderas as leader in sales, installation, and technical services of teams Baxi and Peisa.We achieved a 500% increase in organic visits in 7 months.
We reached the top positions for all keywords related to “boiler sales”, “boiler service”, “boiler repair”, “baxi service”,
“baxi boiler sale”.
A research work was carried out, as well as content creation strategies, with the target audience in mind.
This way we can position both the Home, Services sections and the different articles related to the repair, installation and sale of boilers.

SEO Positioning with quality
content, copywriting, and call
to action management to
improve impact

Constant growth in organic
visits, dispensing paid ads for
obtained results with SEO

SEO Local applied to company De Calderas’s four franchises

CLIENTE: Estudio Rek
Realizamos a partir de 2018 un trabajo integral de posicionamiento para las palabras claves relacionadas con “habilitaciones comerciales” y “habilitaciones en capital federal”.
Logramos multiplicar las visitas hasta alcanzar primeros puestos en más de 40 palabras claves de gran volumen de búsquedas.
Continuamos realizando el trabajo de marketing digital reforzando el posicionamiento orgánico y potenciando tambien con auncios de Google Ads.
El 90% del tráfico web proviene de visitas orgánicas (SEO). De esta forma se consolida la empresa en los resultados y se consiguen las visitas de mayor calidad para el público interesado en habilitar comercios o locales en Buenos Aires.

CLIENTE: Autoescuelacity
Se logró multiplicar 10 veces las visitas orgánicas al sitio web en el lapso de un año, llegando a alcanzar picos de 30 mil visitantes mensuales.
Trabajamos el posicionamiento de la marca en Google posicionando con anuncios y de forma orgánica.
Logramos llevar a la autoescuela de manejo a las primeras posiciones en los buscadores y a concretar cientos de consultas mensuales.
A través de nuestro ChatBot Inteligente se consiguió multiplicar las conversiones.
Se mejoró la reputación en Google Maps y posicionamos con SEO local las 4 sucursales de la autoescuela.
Actualmente en 2020, estamos realizando campañas en Instagram para completar la estrategia de marketing digital.

CLIENTE: De Calderas
Aumento de 500% en visitas orgánicas en 7 meses. Actualmente lideran el rubro de servicio técnico y venta de calderas baxi.
Alcanzamos los primers puestos para todas las keywords relacionadas con “service de calderas”, “reparacion de calderas”, “service baxi”, “venta de calderas baxi”.
Se realizó un trabajo de investigación y estrategias de creación de contenidos pensando en el público objetivo.
De esta forma posicionamos tanto las secciones Home, Servicios como los distintos artículos relacionados con la reparación, instalación y venta de calderas.
También, reforzamos su reputación en google maps y lo posicionamos con SEO local para las búsquedas de resultados geolocalización de Google Mi Negocio (Google My Business).

Con Posicionamiento SEO alcanzamos un aumento de un 1176% en visitas orgánicas en 1 año. Pasando de 277 visitas orgánicas a 3537.
El estudio recién había comenzado a dar sus primeros pasos cuando realizamos el sitio web.
Se propuso una estrategia de posicionamiento orgánico SEO en buscadores para las palabras claves relacionadas con la gestoría de permisos para comercios en Capital Federal.
Alcanzamos rápidamente resultados notorios y con el correr de los meses se obtuvieron las primeras posiciones para palabras claves muy competidas en el rubro.
Actualmente es uno de los estudios de gestoría para habilitaciones en Buenos Aires con mayor número de consultas y trámites concretados.