How to increase the domain authority of your website
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization or “search engine optimization”. With the term SEO I mean the process of migration, and the content of the technical characteristics of a website in the form of a search engine to assess the relevance.
Thanks to the SEO service, a website will appear more frequently in search results and in higher positions. Naturally, it comes from an optimized website and will be much more visible and, therefore, will have a lot of visits and contacts.
If I make a very technical discussion, it is not easy to explain it without going into detail. To simplify, SEO is based on its three fundamental components. The prize is the technical SEO that indicates how much a site is “understandable” by Google robots (i.e. the scanning program on the web).
Have you heard of Domain Authority but don’t know precisely what it means? Surely, during your web searches, you will have noticed that for some sites it is much easier to rank at the top of the charts for “any keyword”, even when the contents are older or of lower quality than yours. One of the factors that produce this result is undoubtedly the domain authority.

If your site is trustworthy and authoritative for search engines, then if you have a high “trustworthiness index”, there will be a higher chance that your content will rank ahead of your competitors. If you run an e-commerce, blog, or any website, increasing the value of domain authority is one of the most important things you should do. In this article, we will look at the operations to be carried out in order to succeed.
What is Domain Authority (DA)?
Domain authority is the value measured on a scale developed by MOZ to evaluate the importance of a particular site. In practice, assigning a value from 0 to 100 identifies the likelihood that a page will rank well in search engines. The higher the value, the more likely it is to reach the top.
More specific is a logarithmic metric: it is easier to go from a DA of 20 to 30 than from 90 to 100. Obviously, only some sites such as Wikipedia, Facebook, or Google have the maximum score of 100.

Check your score
To check how your site is evaluated, simply use Open Site Explorer, the software developed by MOZ, which allows you to make 10 free queries per day, while for the full version, you must sign up for an annual subscription.
On the market, we can also find other free tools that have no search limits and still work well such as Simple Domain Authority Checker and Bulk Domain Authority Checker.
To increase the score, you must first understand what are the aspects that search engines take into account to attribute this score to a site. The main factors are three:
- Social comments: the number of Likes or shared shares your content receives on social networks is a factor that increases Domain Authority, thus rewarding the most successful content among users.
- Root domain linking: the greater the number of links to your site, the more you will gain authority with search engines. For this last aspect, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the quality and quantity of the backlink; you should never create too many links to sites with a low Domain Authority value because search engines will interpret it as a “weakness”.
En el mercado también podemos encontrar otras herramientas gratuitas que no tienen límites de búsqueda y que aún funcionan bien como Simple DomainAuthorityChecker y BulkDomainAuthorityChecker.
Para aumentar el puntaje, primero deben comprender cuáles son los aspectos que los motores de búsqueda tienen en cuenta para atribuir esta puntuación a un sitio.Los factores principales son tres:
- Comentarios sociales: el número de Me gusta o acciones compartidas que su contenido recibe en las redes sociales es un factor que aumenta la Autoridad de dominio, recompensando así el contenido más exitoso entre los usuarios.
- Vinculación del dominio raíz: cuanto mayor sea el número de enlaces a su sitio, más adquirirá autoridad con los motores de búsqueda. Para este último aspecto es necesario prestar la máxima atención a la calidad y cantidad del vínculo de retroceso; nunca tendránque crear demasiados enlaces con sitios con un bajo valor de autoridad de dominio porque los motores de búsqueda lo interpretarán como una “debilidad”.
Techniques to increase domain authority
Here are the steps to follow to make your site look good to search engines.
Optimize navigability for users
The first thing to do to increase DA is to make your site easy to use, that is simple, and fast for the user.
- Speed:
Your site should be fast. There are pages to do this. Google will tell if it is ok or if there is something wrong, in which case it will tell you the solutions to implement.
- Usability:
Pay attention to the graphics and responsive look and feel of your site.
- Navigability:
Analyze menus and submenus and think about how to improve them. Arrange your content in a structure that makes it easy to find what you are looking for with as few clicks as possible (ONE would be better).

Work on your content strategy
The content must necessarily respond to the visitor’s search intention and need. The strategy must be proposed with different research on the subject. Categories will be created to organize it and make it easier to access, as well as the URL will show that keyword before the name of the entry. Example:
As we often like to remind you, high-quality content is content that brings real value to your readers. Pay close attention to duplicate content, which causes a penalty. It is highly recommended to access the services of a digital marketing agency to maximize the chances of valuation in search engines.
Create a good interlink structure for your site
Interlinks are those that start from your pages or articles and lead to other pages or other articles on your own site. Whenever you create new content, try to spontaneously link to other related content.
This technique is very useful for a user who is reading one of your articles and therefore has the opportunity to learn more about the topic.
To create a good internal link structure on your site, use different anchor texts, do not abuse keywords, and try to maintain a balance in each post between internal and external links.
Receiving links from authorized sites (backlinks)
You should try to collect links from different domains and, above all, from domains with high authority, always remember that when doing Link Building, quality rather than quantity counts much more.
Publish content that is useful and thus increases the chances of someone linking to you.